Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What does my favourite colour say about me?

Purples are highly individual, fastidious, witty and sensitive, with a strong desire to be unique and different. Temperamental, expansive and artistic, a Purple person may become aloof and sarcastic when misunderstood. If you chose Purple, you tend to be unconventional, tolerant and dignified, likely to achieve positions of authority. 
+adjectives-unicue and different,artistic,sarcastic,dignified,likely to acheve positsions.
- adjectives-aloof,sarcastic if misunderstood

<My favourite colour
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
tolerant-able to accept what other people say or do even if you do not agree with it
Aloof-not friendly or interested in other people
Unconventional-not following what is done or considered normal or acceptable by most people; different and interesting

Can I trust google translator???

I don't think that I'll ever use the google translator,because I't doesn't giva all the information that I need!

What does blog mean

a biographical web log: a type of diary (=record of what someone does each day) on a website that is changed regularly, to give the latest news. The page usually contains someones personal opinions, comments, and experiences.
I't might be also for the class and it might be used for doing homework.

Camouflage-Siberian Tigers

Tigers live alone and aggressively scent-mark large territories to keep their rivals away.Tigers use their distinctive coats as camouflage (no two have exactly the same stripes).Tigers use their stripes to hide in different places.When they hide the other animals might not see them.Tigers are very self centered.
Tigers camouflage makes it easier for them to get food.Tigers fur is orange and it has black stripes(it's called camouflage)

(I don't have anything more to say about tigers camouflage.I chose tiger for my project because I like tigers and they are cute,but kind of dangerous animals.I respect them and I don't like people who hunt them.) .I hope I did everything as good as everyone else,but I don't think that I did...
one more thing:I hope everyone will like this!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I was interviewing Demi Lovato.She is an actress and a singer.
Her music style is rock\pop and she usually doesn`t sing the songs that other people have written,
she likes to write her own songs.She was born on August 20th.
She is 18 years old and she has been very succsessful.The BIG Break in her cureer was when she joined Camp Rock.

So let`s begin with the interview

Interviewer:Do you like singing more than acting?

Demi:yes i like singing more than acting,because it was my first passion.
Interviewr:Do you like acting?
Demi:yes i like acting
Interviewer:Did you like being ''Mitchie''(i don't know how to spell the name:Sorry)in Camp Rock?
Demi:yes i did
Inerviewer:Do you listen to the music that The Jonas Brothers make?
Demi:Yes I do their music is awesome and fun to listen to and also dance to.

Interviewer.You get along with the''Sonny with a chance''cast,don't you?
Demi:Yes I do get along with them.
Interviewer:You like surfing,don't you?
Demi:yes i like it.
Interviewer:You were born in Dallas,Texas,weren't you?
Demi:yes I was born in Dallas Texas.
Inerviewer:You don't hang out with Selena that much anymore,do you?
Demi:Yes I don't hang out with her,because she's always on tour and i don't have any time to be with her.
Interviewer:What programme are you working on right now?
Demi:I'm working on''Teens Against Bullying''
Interviewer:Why do you want to be in ''Sonny with a chance''?
Demi:I think it's because i love acting and I've made alot of new friends there also because I like to spend time with by friends:Sterling,Tiffany,Doug,Brandon and Allisyn.
Interviewer:When did you turn eightteen?
Demi:I turned eightteen in August 20th.
Interviewer:What would you like to do if you were just an average teenager?
Demi:I would like to do everything that an average teenager could do:I would go surfing without people taking pictures of me,I could go to stores without people asking for autographs.
Interviwer:When did you make your first  music video ever?And what was it called?
Demi: it was in 2008 and it was called ''Shadow''I sang it with one of my castmates from''As The Bell Rings''
Interviewer:When do you usually go surfing?
Demi:I go surfing whenever I have time to do it because i've been very busy lately.
Interviewer:Witch one of the girls is your BFF?  Sel or Tiff's
Demi: I think it's Tiffany.
Interviewer:Why did you start homeschooling?I know it might be painful to tell all of us about it!!!:)
Demi:Because I was tempted.(the real answere:because I was bullyed and I couldn't take it anymore)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Interview-correction!!!-Demi Lovato

1.Do you like singing more than acting???
-Yes I do like singing more than acting,because music was my first passion!!!
2.Do you like acting???
-Yes I like acting,but more as a hobby
3.Did you like being Mitchie in ''Camp Rock''???
-Yes I did like being Mitcie in ''Camp Rock'',because I like working together with the Jonas Brothers!!!
4.Do you listen to the music that Jonas Brothers make???
-Yes I do they'r music is awesome and fun to listen to and also dance to!!!
5.You get along with the cast of ''Sonny With a Chance'',don't you???
-Yes I do get along with them they're like my brothers and sisters.
6.You like surfing , don't you???
-Yes I love surfing!!!
7.You don't like acting as much as singing,do you???
-Yes I don't like acting as much as singing!!!
8.You don't hang out with Selena that much,do you???
-Yes I don't hang out with her that much any more,but she still is one of my BFF's!!!
9.Witch one you like the most singing or acting???
-I'd rather choose singing!!!
10.Why do you want to be on ''Sonny With a Chance???
-I want to be on ''Sonny With a Chance'' because the cast is my family!!! When I'm with them I feel like I'm at home in Texas!!!
11.When did you turn eightteen???
-I turned eightteen on august 20th!!!
12.What would you like to do if you were just an average teenager???
-I would like to do everything that an average teenager could do:I would go surfing without people taking pictures of me,I could go to stores without people asking for autographs.
13.When did you make your first ever music video and what was it called???
-I made my first ever music video when I was eleven and it was called''Move Me''
14.When do you usually go surfing???
-I go surfing whehenever I have time to do it because i've been very busy lately!!
15.Whitch one of the girls is your BFF,Selena or Tiffany???
-At first my BFF was Selena , but now I think it's Tiffany!!!
16.Why did you start homeschooling???
-I started homeschooling because i was bulled at school,I don't know why I was bullyed,but now I don't care about it that much.Bullying got me to where I am now!!!
And I'm kind of glad that it happened to me!!!

Demi has missed Selena!!!
It was so nice to see them together!!!

And as I tolled you Demi and Tiffany are now BFF's

Don't they look amazing together????

Interview-Bruce Willis

1.Is it hard being famous???
-Of corse it's hard.
2.Is actin in movies hard???
-It's not hard when you have done it for a long time,but memorising all those words can be really hard sometimes.
3.Do you have kids???
-Yes I have three kids!!!
4.What was your favourite movie that you were acting in???
-I don't know there are so many of my favourite movies.
5.In what video game you'll star???
-I'll star game!!!(I don't know that one :( sorry)
6.Who is your favourite actor???
-My favourite actor is (John McClane)
7.Where did you learn to act???
-I never really learnt it,but I was in my schools drama club and I guess that was the place I should be really thankful for,because it was the first time i ever acted.
8.What's your favourite movie???
-My favourite movie is ''Die Hard''because it was my most sucseeded movie ever!!!
9.What's your favourite song???
-My favorite song is................(didn't find that one either)
10.When did you wanted to be an actor???
-I wanted to be an actor ever ince i was in my schools drama club!!
11.Did you like to act in ''Die Hard''???
-Yes i did , because it was my BIG BREAK!!!!
12.Where do you live???
-I live in ......(don't know where he lives),but I was born in West Germany!!!
13.Have you won an emmy???
-Yes I have won 2 emmy's!
14.You own Trump Tower , don't you???
-Yes I do own Trump Tower.
15.How many kids you have???
-I have three kids!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The interview for Demi Lovato

1.Do you like singing more than acting???
2.Do you like acting???
3.Did you like being ''Mitchie''(i don't know how to spell the name:Sorry)in Camp Rock???
4.Do you listen to the musc that The Jonas Brothers make???

5.You get along with the''Sonny with a chance''cast,don't you???
6.You like surfing,don't you???
7.You don't like acting as mutch as singing,do you???
8.You don't hang out with Selena that mutch anymore,do you???

9.Witch one you like the most singing or acting???
10.Why do you want to be on ''Sonny with a chance''???(at least 2 reasons please)
11.When did you turn eight teen???
12.What would you like to do if you were just an average teenager???(like all of us)
13.When did you make your first ever music video???(and what was it called)
14.When do you usually go surfing???
15.Witch one of the girls is your BFF???  Sel or Tiff's
16.Why did you start homeschooling???I kow it might be painful to tell all of us about it!!!:)

I really hope ya'll liked it because i worked very very VERY hard on it!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Task 6 :Student Book Exercise

1.She works in a bank.She has worked there for twenty years.
2.I like to read fairytales.I have read them since I was little.
3.Pam and Ann know eachother very well.they have known eachother for five years.
4.The Browns have lived in Cardiff since 1999.They still live tere.
5.Ken has played football for three years.He plays it quite well.
6.We live in London.We have lived here since February

I Think I Fixed The Problem!!!Hihihi :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

One sentence from the book

I like to read fairytales.I have read them since i was little.
-the keyword is since
and i used it because she lies to read the fairytales and she still likes to read them!!!
i don't know if i answered it right , but i sure hope so!!

Task 7 when do we use for and since???

We Use ''For'' And ''Since''
''For'' means ''from the beginning period until the end of the period''
-and we use it with keywords as these:5 minutes, 2 weeks, 6 years.
-it means that something happened and it's still happening!!!
for example-i have been studying english for 6 years

Since means that something is happening from one point until now.
-since is usually used with all the perfect tenses.
-i have been here for 1 hour now.
-since can also be used with the structure.

Friday, October 1, 2010

What I Did Today...

Today I Was At School.
I Had 6 Lessons.
When I Came Home I Cleaned My Room So My Friend Could Come To My Place.  :)
I Also Did My English Homework.
It Was Kind Of Easy.   :)   :)   :)

about me

These Are the Things I wanted To Put On my blog!!

my he@rt smiles
my he@rt smilesVote && Comment

i am who i am
i am who i am

thumbs up
About Me
About MeCute I Love It
i love my family
add meadd meBFF! (bestfriends forever)
I love it!
by the way if someone would want to know something about me  just comment and ask!!!
i'll be happy to help!!

:):):):):):):):):)Have a Sweet Day!Have a Sweet Day!

BFF! (bestfriends forever)
about me

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What I Have learned today!:)

I have learned alot today ,but the most exciting thing that was fun was the game and i also learned how to post an optical illusion!!!
I just wanted to say that todays lesson was so fun and amazing!!!!

:)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)

Task 3-Optical Illusion:)


At first i thought that the last line is longer than all the rest ones.
Then i also thought that the first one is the shortest.
But then i realised that they are all the same.



At first I saw that the last line is longer and the first one is the shorter.
But when I looked at it a longer time i realised that all the lines are the same .
It takes our brain a little bit of time to understand that the lineas are the same there are no longer or shorter ones.